Teman-teman sering dapat tugas review jurnal tapi bingung
bagaimana caranya? Ini ada cara melakukan review untuk jurnal ilmiah yang
saya dapat di kelas PUM 1 (mohon maaf tidak mencantumkan sumber, saya juga
dapatnya copy-an dari dosen pengampu, maaf lagi pake bahasa Inggris) semoga
First Time Through
Second Time Through
Why do we care about this area of research? Do I understand the
theory or the studies that set up this research?, If not what referance do I
need to read? What are the hyphoteses? Why do the authors expect their
hyphoteses to be supported? If this study cures a weakness in previous
research, what was wrong with previous research? If this study filss a gap in
previous research, what was the gap?
Do I agree with their argument? Does the hyphotesis reall follow from
theory or previous research? If they had obtained different result, what
would they have changed in their introduction?
How were participan selected? What was the age and gender composition
of the sample? What population did the sample represent? What was done to the
participants? If there were manupulated variables, how were those variable
manipulated? What did participan do? What was measured variable? What was the
design? Do I understand how the study’s method allow the researcher to test
the hyphothesis?
Are there an reason to expect that the researchers might have
obtained different population of participants? Were groups equivalent before
study began? Were there enough participants? Was there a problem with
participant? Was ther a problem with partcipant dropping out of the study? Are
there any variables that the researchers should have controlled or
manipulated? If I had been a participan, would i have taken the task
seriously? Were the control groups adequate? Would it have been better to use
a different measure?
How werw participants’ responses turned into the scores used in the
analyses? What are the avarage scores for the different groups? Do the result
support the hyphotesis
Do the statistics directly test the predictions made in the
introduction? Do the statistical tests match up with the verbal description? That
is, if the authors say the Group 1 scored better than Group 2, do they have
an analysis that directly compares Group 1 againts Group 2? As the statistics
appropriate? Did they correctly report their null (nonsignificant) result as
failing or reject the null hypothesis?
Do they think the result matched their prediction? How do they
explain any discreapancies? What additonal studies do they recommend?
What are other explanation for the result? The other explanation
could come from (a) a problem with their study that the authors did not
mention or from (b) a theory or hypothesis that the author did not mention. Are
there additional studies I would recommend? Did the authors make cause-effet
statement on the basis of correlational evidence? Did the authors state
something that was not supported by result? For example, did they treat a
nonsignificant result as significant or talk about a comparison that did not
statistically test?
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